Friday, April 8, 2011

Eternal Wandering ( originally titled 'Eternity' )

This is a poem inspired during my school days. My teacher inspired me and encouraged me to write poems and was impressed that I could write like Lord Tennyson, (that's what she commented on reading my poem). I have never stopped writing since. My flair for creative writing could not be tapped as I took a course in Science and taught Science in schools. It's only of late that I began to take writing seriously.

The dark spread its cloak of smiling stars,
That glittered as if they were magical lights,
The moon was hidden behind the clouds,
She seemed to be hiding away from my thoughts,
The wind moaned, the shadowy branches groaned,
They tuned a doleful song,
That of a pining heart,

I looked at the rippling waters,
And stared at the floating lotus,
Tears dropped like trickles,
On its snowy white petals,
And as it drifted away from my life forever,
I returned a downcast soul,
A forlorn figure,
To the tomb, my home,

( I penned this composition when I was 15 years and still at school. I remember the lines to this day, inspired by a dark shadowy night.  The night and the dark have always been a source of great inspiration. The reason is unknown to me and cannot be explained. The bright moonlight and the dark shadows together with the moans and groans of the wind through the trees are like a movie playing in my mind. I find the night a captivating scene with its mystery and horror that provides the right ingredients for the fertile mind to flourish.)

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