Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Calling----quest for The Truth (Part 2)

    The holy man closed his eyes tightly, trying to quelch all thoughts of his wife and son in the village all alone.  He could hear the cries of his son beckoning him home and the vision of his helpless wife consoling the adamant child.  Then the apparition of his deceased mother haunted him, trying to wake him from his meditation and advising him to return home to his wife and family. His mind was in a turmoil but he had to dispel all thoughts of fear and put entire faith in the calling. The constant disturbances of this nature was due to the attachment and bondage that he has had all these years and he mustn't succumb to them, he prayed. He knew that before long his wife and son would be beside him persuading him to yield to their wishes and return to his former life.
    As his earthly thoughts and visions faded he saw himself moving towards a strong beam of light. The intensity of the light around him began to magnify and then all personal thoughts and visions vanished. He was beyond the earth's plane and in the realm where few men ventured in their earthly form and existence. He saw himself surrounded by the flora and fauna of the heavens. A bear came to feed on berries in his hand while he stroked the animal gently on its forehead. The animal showed no signs of agitation or aggression. In fact it welcomed the close connection and affection of the holy man. He was surrounded by beasts of all kinds and plants of different colours and blooms. The lake was crystal clear and he could see aquatic life forms swimming gracefully and freely while in the sky above him birds were hovering in delight.
    Suddenly, the holy man felt a small hand touching him. He opened his eyes widely but was not angry or disappointed at being woken up from his wonderful experience. It was his son and his wife. There was no emotion of any kind from the holy man as his son cried and wailed for his return. His wife stood beside the little boy but made no attempts to console him.
    The holy man took the boy by his hand and said, " My son, don't cry. Though I am away from you I shall always guide you through life. Go now with your mother and be a responsible son to her." After saying those words he closed his eyes again, never to be disturbed.
    The mother called the boy over to her and both mother and son left the place after leaving a basket full of fruits beside the holy man.

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