Sunday, March 6, 2011

The for The Truth (Part 3)

    The holy man experienced the joy and exaltation of the spiritual life high in the heavens. He found out that eating grains and other forms of vegetation was also another form of killing. He decided to nourish himself with fruits and water and then plant the seeds for the next generation. He questioned why he had to marry and have a family and then leave them, for he saw it a sin to forsake his responsibility as husband and father. This was where the test was...... God had to test him as many wouldn't want to leave the love and warmth of a wife and family to follow the calling. He was satisfied with the answers and solutions to the problems that plagued him personally.
        Now he had to find the answers to questions related to the world. Why was man suffering??? To this he came out with a number of reasons. Firstly, it was the question of continued survival of the flesh and blood. Next, it was the need to procreate. Thirdly, it was the drive for recognition and power. These are the three main elements that man sought and suffered for.
    The holy man felt that a man has to go in search of food but does he need to kill to satisfy his hunger? Yes, he too had been killing the dormant embryos in the grains that were cooked as food. But many fought animals and destroyed vegetation just for food. Sometimes, animals and plants were destroyed on a large scale in the quise for the need of food and left much to waste and rot. Was this the right way to treat the creations of God????
    Temptations are many when it came to procreation. Sometimes, lust leads a man to commit sins while gratifying himself through illicit relationships leading to unwanted children and abandoned partners who either commit suicide or lead loveless lives. These mistakes have created unwanted social problems and unhappiness which could have been avoided if man thought right and led virtuous lives.
    On the other hand, the power hungry and ambitious man not only destroyed animals and plants for wealth and fun, he also annihilated any of his challengers, be it man or beast. To quench his thirst for power and ambition, he not only vanquished his opponents but also lied, cheated, manipulated and used conman tactics as tools. To meet his demands vast areas of virgin forests, that formed habitats of wildlife, have been cleared to make way for industries and offices, schools, hospitals, transport systems, etc...etc....The scientists too are working on ways to improve man's living standards, but fail to realise that biodiversity and the conservation of God's creation is the answer to much of the world's problems, such as climate change, population explosion, food shortage and pollution.
    The holy man opened his eyes and stared at the basketful of fruits. He took a banana, peeled it and ate. A monkey came and sat next to him. He offered it a banana and the animal took it and climbed up a tree. A snake glided beside him but made no indication that it was provoked. The holy man heard a low growl of a leopard. On looking up, he saw it resting on a tree unperturbed. The holy man felt he was surrounded by friends, all of which were the wonderful creation of God!!!!!

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