Friday, April 8, 2011

Letter to a Daughter

This letter is for my beautiful daughter. Hope she finds it useful.

Dear daughter,

                           I remember the year, month, date and time when you were brought into this world through ceasarean section, at the hospital where you were born. Your grandma and father were eagerly awaiting your arrival with great anxiety, in case something went wrong. They were relieved to see you out of the operating theatre, glancing at them with your eyes wide open and your palms stretched out as though you knew them and the world even before you saw the light of day.
                           No doubt, I had the first glimpse of you, as I was on epidural anaesthesia before the operation. I almost lost consciousness during the operation for I went into breathlessness, due to a slight attack of asthma. I thought I would die and at that point in time I wondered who would care for you if I were gone. Thank God, the doctor understood my predicament and quickly pulled and dragged you out of the womb in one piece. I realised then that I would live. It was at that moment that I decided I shall not go through this ever again. I was glad that God had blessed me with you my only dear child, at this advanced age of 46 years.
                           Of course, you are wondering why your parents are old and sometimes you are ashamed of this fact. All I can say is, 'God had decided it that way,' and that you have to accept it. I console myself with the thought that if we were younger parents, you may not get the patience and perseverence that we show you now, in your learning environment.
                          Yours is a life of constant learning, not only from books in the academic world and your own personal experiences but from the lives of others as well. You have to enrich your life so that you succeed in the material world as well as in the abstract and virtual world.
                         You might wonder why we don't pamper you like other parents do. You may not understand us even if we were to explain to you now. You will learn when the time comes. Until then please bear with us and forgive us if we had made mistakes along the way. No man born is faultless and I hope you accept us for what we are.
                         I decided to pen you this letter in case I do not see the light of day tomorrow. I do not wish to leave you without expressing my thoughts my dear child. Be happy and contented with whatever you have and can have. I do not wish to make this a lesson in moral values but I hope it can help to guide you through life.

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