Friday, April 8, 2011

Adventures Into Immortality

This is an out of the body experience which scientists are still sceptical of.

Adventure can take place not only when one moves about from place to place geographically. It can even take place within the four walls of your room. Reading a book, thinking when alone, meditating or even when one is asleep one can be taken away, far, far away from where one is. I had this rare experience, where I felt I was out of my corporal body. This happened many years ago when I was in my teens. I was away from home and in my room in my university hostel. I went to bed as usual, but wished I were back home in my lovely room and bed. I was not asleep at the moment when a strange thing happened!!! I felt something moving upwards from the tip of my toe and up towards my chest and lo and behold I was out of my body through my mouth. I was formless!!! I peered at my body laying on the  bed and it wasn't me but matter!!! Oh my God, I realised in that spiritual form that I was out of my body and travelling within earth's atmosphere over tops of trees and buildings and in no time I was in my warm bed in my home!!! I knew too that if I didn't return to the body in the room far, far away, I would be classified dead..... in this material world. 
   The next day, I searched for answers in books in the university library and other resources. I just wasn't satisfied with the answers I got from the books. When I met a Buddhist monk a few years later, he gave me a sound and reasonable answer. He clarified it was astral travel which can be done through meditation. But it takes a person a long time to attain it. I wondered how it happened to me!!!
   Being a student of science, I still did not accept the monk's views, until one day many years later, I saw the spirit of an  ex-student of mine who died in a fatal road accident. The spirit communicated telepathically with me in broad daylight!!!! He was sad that I couldn't remember him but vanished in a lightning flash after giving me a smile which showed his deep dimples on both cheeks. From then on my faith in the existence of the spiritual world became a reality!!!
   Have any of you out there, reading this article on adventures into immortality, have stories to share? I would surely like to read about your personal experience into the world of the unknown!!!!